Building partnerships and gaining support from the subtle worlds
I can help you build a connection with the Subtle Beings that are here to help you and love you, including your Guardian Angel. I can teach you to listen and learn to open to the self love without judgement that is there for you.
For years, in addition to my years of experience with bodywork and Movement Intelligence processes, I have used the connection with subtle guides to forge my path and help my clients. They have provided me with critical information I needed on my journey of healing. I also call it my intuitive or higher self.
Although this kind of communication may seem mysterious to some, it's not. I help my clients to be more embodied and strongly anchored in their bodies, so that they may receive the subtle information that is there for them. In our work together I will work with you to learn from what your body already knows and enhance it with communications from guides and helpers who can support your journey.
I teach Fundamental Consciousness full bodied meditation from the Realization Process. This type of meditation includes movement. Learning how to quiet your mind and experience stillness while living in your whole body helps you connect to your higher self and the subtle beings all around you.
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